Wednesday, November 14, 2018

How to Brush and Wash Wigs for High End Sex Dolls

It is important to keep wigs of your high end sex dolls tangles and knots free. Long flowing locks, this is exactly what you want your lovely and sexy doll to have. The way you brush the hair of your high end sex dolls’ wigs can really make a big difference. You can very easily do it following three simple steps:
Brushing a wig

Remove the wig

You cannot brush the wig when it is on the head. It will damage the wig. So, first of all, remove the wig.

Wet it with water

Dampening the hair with water will make brushing a lot easier. Good to have a spray bottle.

Brush the wig

Start removing tangles from the tips of the hair. Do it gently. Gradually work up the hair. Forcing the brush through tangles and knots will tear it. Work with fingers first and then use the brush.
Expect some hair loss even when you are being gentle. You cannot avoid this.

Washing high end sex dolls wigs

Once your doll’s wig is thoroughly brushed, it’s time to wash the wig. Synthetic wigs hardly collect any oil and you need not to clean these wigs more often but still you will have to wash it. Real hair wigs must be cleaned more often.

Step 1: Fill a sink with lukewarm water.
Step 2: Add a small dash of shampoo.
Step 3: Now put the wig in the water.
Step 4: Leave it submerged in water for a few minutes.
Step 5: Remove it from the sink.
Step 6: Rinse it under fresh water.
Step 7: Squeeze it gently.
Step 8: Pat dry the wig with a towel.
Step 9: Brushit again.
Step 10: Dry it out in a shady and dry place.